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The Butterfly that came to say good bye

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

Two days ago I was walking in the garden when I saw a butterfly in the grass. Straight away I knew exactly what I needed to do.

I have been working in my UBS solution and looking to incorporate case studies via storytelling. As I was walking past the rose bush I planted in memory of my Khanoon Jan,

I recalled when the Robin was tapping on the window after my father-in-law died.

I had a meeting with Ari on Thursday and I described what unfolded. I have been editing this video over the weekend. I have also incorporated a previous video with John Lenhart

Are you or your child dealing with a past event? I invite you to listen to this clip which describes why this method of rehearsal works wonders. It also describes in detail the areas of the brain that get damaged when we experience trauma and guidence on how to undo that. I have included a direct link to my calendly link if you or a loved one is interested in exploring this method further. I would however like to state the following:

This method works best if you understand your child's uniqueness and thought process first.

This Video was made in the summer of 2021 describing how the graph above helped me help a nonverbal 17-year-old male in care learn a few words and highlighting why this information is so important. What I had not paid attention to was how people present differently according to the thought process they are in.

My son meets John Lenhart and this was the day I decided to remove him from Mainstream education and that is when I realized that I was unknowingly bullying him. What do I mean by that? I was talking to him against his uniqueness. You can see how John manages to connect with him by sharing about himself and asking him one question that spoke to Alex's unconscious mind. This is because Alex was in the 160 thought process and busy playing games on his computer (addictive pattern behaviour). me telling him what to do (Alex come here) caused him to trigger. Luckily John was close at hand.

Now I realize that Administrators prefer to learn through play. I want to focus on getting him ready to return to school post the age of 13, (when synaptic pruning has taken place) and once the PTSD has been undone.

update July 2023!

Once we had dealt with the passing of his Gran, Alex's behavior improved, Not only did he attend an intensive 5-day summer camp with his Martial art club, he also upgraded from Green belt to blue tag. My Son's uniqueness is an administrator perceiver.

Link to day 1 on FB.

Administrators often come to light in the second semester when the teachers catch on to the child who was behind all the disruptions involving other children who got excluded in the first semester.

I invite you to listen to how this information and how understanding uniqunessnes and thought processes have helped Dr Ellie Harper a qualified psychologist in England.

(and how this is related to transferrence and countertransference)

Want to know more? Feel free to book give me a shout.

Are you on LinkedIn? This is an Article written by John who appears in 2 out of 3 videos on the subject of Bullying and communication guidelines.


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