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Self compassion comes first.

This is something we often forget. As women in business we take so much on, It is as though we feel responsible to carry the weight of the world on our shoulder. I often have to remind myself to check my Energy Levels, it is a constant battle. Being in demand poses that challenge. In Order to rectify what I see as a merry go round on Linkedin, I have decided to run workshops. The first one is today at 11am GMT, There will be many others and I plan to mix and match the Extroverts and allow the introverts to stay at their desk. My approach to these workshops will be very different to any I have attended. It will be a case of trial and error to get the perfect balance right. My initial thoughts are to have 2 introverts and 2 extroverts and aim to have an equal mix of men and women. This will be an iterative approach. Focussing on getting the right people in the right groups based on common interest. After all this is what we all lean towards when facing those challenges. I often say we must connect before we can communicate, Until then, I plan to be gentle with my audience and show respect for different cultures and even religion. Watch this space. This is a mammoth task I have taken on. I will focus on doing something I have always wanted to do which is to get my book of Poems out to publish. Here is the first poem in the font in question.

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i and you matter
i and you matter
Jan 15, 2022

see this as well?

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i and you matter
i and you matter
Jan 15, 2022

see this as well?

Now someone said that account is a bot, All I know from the 1978 and the Shah of Iran is that if this is made up it is not too far before we see this. however I do believe we need to keep 2 meters apart to ensure those with lowered immune system can survive


i and you matter
i and you matter
Jan 15, 2022

Are masks really the answer? Surely we need to stay 2 meters apart?

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