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Writer's picture: zahrakabirizahrakabiri

Dear all,

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the last three years. 

2023- 2024 was a trying period for me, mostly on a personal level.

Do I owe you anything or is there something I can help you with? 

Sitting here, I am trying to figure out what it is I can do, apart from thank every one of you.

Hard to do that when the number of views outweighs the number of likes or comments here. 

I know from past experience, many introverts have been watching over me. Some that in my previous round found their way onto my WhatsApp and a few here who would rather not make their views public so talk to me over DM.

I plan to take some time off to hashtag#focus on some joint ventures that are on the cards. Knowing hashtag#relationships are not a one-way street, I would hate to think there are any others out there that for some reason or another have not managed to come forward yet.

Why are you talking like this? 

Here's your hashtag#chance, I will refrain from signing any hashtag#agreements until I have given this post a 3-week cooling-off period. 

So, If anyone reading this post or anyone you talk to, is interested in coming forward with going into business, I would be interested to hear from you or them. Please ensure you have a summary of a proposal or have at least thought about how this can work long-term. 

I also plan to change my WhatsApp number, so that you know if the message you sent, is undelivered. Also note I do not check my e-mail. 

Need to get in touch? 

I will put a link to my calendly in the comments section below. 

Feel free to book me or let them know where to find me.

Alternatively, you can select the right-hand corner (contact us) on the home page

that will take you straight to my calendly link.

For anyone else who was looking forward to my book of poems being published, please note that you can visit 

Where you can see a selection of my favorites published. I have decided to make the full version available as a PDF and this will be a bonus point when I have finalised my solution. 

To all those who are interested in the story of my life, this is something I am working on however It cannot be published anytime soon for personal reasons.

Oh, one last thing, you may want to put a link to your LinkedIn https address or FB URL when booking me as chances are I will reject the meeting if we have not met yet. 

I do need to ensure I can hold you accountable for booking me and that is the reason I take this approach. Call that part of my hashtag#lessonslearned.

®Trade Mark No: UK00003778364 Mark: iandyoumatter (Figurative) Owner: iandyoumatter ltd Class(es): 35,38,41,45

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