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My dentist is Human

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

My relationship with teeth seems to be an international one. From having a baby tooth taken out in USA to being told I had no wisdom teeth back in my homeland. An x-ray had seen past the curtain I wore to cover my hair, but did I trust the interpretation? As I sat in that chair listening to him as he held up that Xray, he told me my jaw was beautiful. I wondered if that meant he was telling me, I had no wisdom, that question stayed with me until someone else told me I had two at the bottom followed by another who said it was the other way round. So perhaps my #trust in dentists goes back to that day. But I have also encountered those I say, almost drilled for fun! There are many types of dentists. From NHS to private. Some staying for years in one place and others who are always arriving to introduce themselves only to be gone that next time you need a checkup. So with my disposition how do you know how to trust one when they tell me, there is no option but to have that tooth taken out? I have always doubted that type. My first encounter with one of those was when I was 5 months pregnant. I was told due to the pregnancy an Xray was not advisable as he tapped away on my LR6 and LR7 and asked me to guess which one #hurt most, plyers in hand. I fought for my right to have that xray but then I was offered another solution, the dreaded drill again, now which tooth needed that #root #canal that he was telling me is not funded on the NHS so I must pay for it myself and he can recommend someone. How do you trust that recommendation after that encounter? So when a close friend of mine recommended me to her private dentist a little outside of my town, I visited that dentist who said there was no problem with taking that Xray, since the #crucial 3 months had gone, He treated that #tooth and well that tooth started off our #relationship, spanning 10 years with regular visits and I even took out that DENPLAN. I sit in his chair and I see pictures of his family and we #discuss his sons and skiing #holidays. We actually laugh and have fun. He tells me my teeth are not aligned when I crunch, we talk about the #power of that alignment. Now from time to time he has sent me to see that #specialist he believes is better than him for the job as he says my teeth are linked to my #health. and so my problem with dentists has been transferred to DENPLAN as you cannot take it with you from clinic to clinic, but trust I have in anyone he recommends, and that's why I want to fix Denplan. And that tooth in question is no more as it eventually had to come out. I trusted him with those plyers and I mourned for that tooth for the last time, after I had begged him to take it out. I saw that tear in his eyes as he did it. But it led to meeting others he introduced. There have been a few overall. Those who I call my friends and I care for them all and all of their children. Trust is so important when your health is in question, kissing good bye to someone forever or that tooth just cannot be undone. So I fight for my dentist as my dentist is human and a beautiful one at that, and it pains me to see he is suffering now, and I'd like that undone or fixed. This cannot go on for 2 years I believe after that root canal I had just after lock down. All that restrictive gear in the heat. . So whether he wears that PPE or whether he doesn’t, I feel he has not been given an option. And we all know what happens when we don’t have that choice of that brand we like. But to be #told you have no choice but to follow every #instruction for the next 2 years, day after day for 8 hours a day, well surely that’s like what you have to do after you've committed a crime? Doesn't that sound like you're in #Prison? And my Dentist is the most Noble men of all, so why is he doing time? My dentist is my friend he is not just anyone, he helps me keep that smile. He knows it's important to me and to my health. And I know that his smile is just a curtain hiding those tears of empathy he has shed for every tooth he has had to take out. I want to see that smile of his before and after my treatment and not hidden behind that mask. I want it's healing effect after I have seen those tears. It tells me he's coping. I need to see that. And may be that curtain was not that scarf I had to wear but his mask covering those beautiful moments, not letting me see that smile. People do matter after all regardless and we must all have that choice to keep that smile or not. What do you think?

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