Yesterday I received a text from my sibling. Mum has taken a turn for the worst. You might want to go and say good bye.
I knew this was coming. I had already dealt with the path she had decided to embark on. I wrote about is peeing on the stick all that difficult on my blog.
Yesterday was a difficult day.
I realised my son needed me more. You see he is very close to this someone. I called the hospital and asked if children were allowed. the voice at the end of the phone said, it is up to you but only two people a day are allowed and no-one can stay more than an hour!
My sibling was already going, there was no way I would leave him in the carpark and go and say my goodbye.
So we took a picture of him smiling and sent it to her.
It said something along this line. He is smiling only for you. You can look at it for more than an hour. He would rather say hi than bye.
I pressed Send. Job done. Having said that I may go quiet on here for a while. Thank you for all the Dms who have checked up on me.
I would specifically like to thank Lisa Edmondson and Kingshuk Basak.
Want to know why I took this approach? Here is my why!
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