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Writer's picturezahrakabiri

Are you ignoring people? 

As you know a couple of weeks ago, I opened up my ability to accept connects. 

This led to an influx of people entering my hashtag#network. I greeted every person.

Some lovely discussions that even resulted in exploring the possibility of meeting up in person, (CEO of hashtag#international company with a head office in London).

Others were people reaching out due to the latest conflict, each, with a personal link to raise money. 

I took my time with those individuals by first hearing them out, then sympathizing/empathizing with the situation they find themselves in, let them know I am not the person to be contacted about raising money right now.

I then suggested they contact named individuals/other organizations and a reason why this connection would be hashtag#beneficial. Some said thank you for your help, others I found more persistent who continued down the same route they had approached me, so I found myself asking them if they heard what I had said? 

The answer was yes but then the conversation started all over again. I eventually disconnected them. (Walked away)

One person entered my network and after the initial exchange of pleasantries accused me of working for Mossad or CIA. Also told me that Iranians were the worst & before I had a chance to say: 

I'm sorry you feel that way, their name turned to hashtag#LinkedIn user. 

And although I felt sorry for them at the time, I thought, why am I even putting myself in this position? 

I was also asked to be featured in a magazine which I politely refused. 

An offer of hashtag#business hashtag#partnership also appeared in my inbox, which I knew nothing about or what this entailed. 

It has been an interesting week connecting & meeting either in person or via DM and due to the nature of many "What is it you do? Tell me more about iandyoumatter & how it came about", I concluded most people who sent me a connect were not familiar with my hashtag#work yet. 

So I see no need to keep my connections open.

Now here comes the crunch. 

This time round I asked hashtag#permission to hashtag#share a hashtag#resource that does not belong to me. 

Most said yes, I shared this slide via DM + let them know I am a Server why Exhorter how, 

followed by: Can you guess your uniqueness?

Most came back with, an interesting chart & had a stab at what they may be. 

Followed by, How will I know for sure? 

Me: I suggest you google the Flowcess intangible driver test. I find I get more consistent results if I replace friend with a ........

Can you guess what that is?

The answer will be revealed in the comment section at the end of the day.

Please feel free to join in if you're reading this / take a stab at guessing your uniqueness, I'll check out the answers at the end of today. Wishing you a hashtag#lovely Tuesday ahead.

 I hear you say, What organizations did you recommend?

I also pointed them in the direction of Ramsey Hanhan, the author of Fugitive Dreams and, and sent them a link to me reading the first chapter of his book where Ramsey, questions is anywhere really safe?

Here it is.

Want to contact Ramsey?

®Trade Mark No: UK00003778364 Mark: iandyoumatter (Figurative) Owner: iandyoumatter ltd Class(es): 35,38,41,45

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